sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007

Momento presente

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2 comentários:

jorgeferrorosa disse...

Que momento este... fugas da plenitude configuram uma postura no teu escrito. Belo escrito que se traduz num desassossego das palavras e dos sentidos. O princípio tardio actualizou-se e agora podes contemplar os outros registos, as formas entrelaçadas dos sentidos que fazem de ti uma pessoa diferente.
Gostei bastante. Parabéns.

Anónimo disse...


I mostly visits this website[url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips].[/url]Plenty of useful information on veraviana.blogspot.com. Let me tell you one thing guys, some time we really forget to pay attention towards our health. Let me show you one truth. Research displays that closely 60% of all U.S. grownups are either obese or overweight[url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips].[/url] So if you're one of these citizens, you're not alone. Infact many among us need to lose 10 to 20 lbs once in a while to get sexy and perfect six pack abs. Now the question is how you are planning to have quick weight loss? [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips]Quick weight loss[/url] is not like piece of cake. You need to improve some of you daily habbits to achive weight loss in short span of time.

About me: I am blogger of [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips]Quick weight loss tips[/url]. I am also health trainer who can help you lose weight quickly. If you do not want to go under hard training program than you may also try [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/acai-berry-for-quick-weight-loss]Acai Berry[/url] or [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/colon-cleanse-for-weight-loss]Colon Cleansing[/url] for effective weight loss.